Download Ebook Psychotherapy and Spirituality Integrating the Spiritual Dimension into Therapeutic Practice

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Book Details :
Published on: 2001-05-15
Released on: 2001-05-15
Original language: English

Organizing her text into four parts, Schreurs invites the attentive reader to engage the book's insights on the existential and relational levels. Rich with vignettes, this intriguing work may speak to both believers and nonbelievers . . . The book, rich with bibliography and endnotes, will prove valuable to graduate students in psychology and theology alike' - Theological Studies 'This clear and engaging book is essential reading for all therapists who feel out of their depth when patients raise spiritual concerns' - Religion Theology 'Somewhat more practical in its emphasis on integrating the spiritual dimension in therapeutic practice is Agneta Schreurs' Psychotherapy and Spirituality (Jessica Kingsley). Informed from a Christian theological background and the therapeutic orientation of group analysis this book sets out to study the interface between psychotherapy and spirituality. It focuses on understanding and differentiating the nature of religious/spiritual issues that may arise for people in the present western cultural and historical context of psychotherapy and also considers how these may be approached by the therapist. A number of complex conceptual issues are examined and these are frequently illustrated with vignettes from the therapeutic material. Although restricted in its orientation to the western Christian tradition the book elaborates a wide range of fundamental issues and provides a good starting point for further reading in related fields. - Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling Psychotherapy 'Schreurs presents a variety of vignettes, mostly - but not exclusively - about clinical situations, and invites the reader to explore his or her responses. In the process she reveals the differences, similarities and, most intriguingly, the overlaps between the spiritual and the therapeutic: specifically group analytic paradigms. Such a synthesis is long overdue. This is a book that Understanding Gender and Culture within the Context of ... This article examines roles that gender culture and spirituality play in elements of therapeutic process. It presents an initial literature review on gender culture ... Chapter 6 --Brief Humanistic and Existential Therapies ... Humanistic and existential psychotherapies use a wide range of approaches to case conceptualization therapeutic goals intervention strategies and research ... 91981: The Role of Spirituality in Health and Mental Health Upon completion of this course you should be able to: Define the concepts of spirituality and religiosity. Describe the historical evolution of spirituality and ... Defining the Spiritual Experience - The Focusing Institute Defining the Spiritual Experience. by Elfie Hinterkopf Ph.D. Chapter 7. Excerpted from Integrating Spirituality in Counseling: A Manual for Using the Experiential ... Psychotherapy - Wikipedia Psychotherapy can be said to have been practiced through the ages as medics philosophers spiritual practitioners and people in general used psychological methods ... PSYCHOTHERAPY - Stony Brook University Abramowitz S. (1997). A discussion of lesbians and psychoanalytic culture and a response to Kassoff's treatment of a homosexual woman. Dissertation database - BACP Research BACP Postgraduate Dissertation Database in Counselling and Psychotherapy. The BACP Dissertation Database is a useful resource for counsellors and psychotherapists. Spirituality and Aging - Medscape Sidebar Executive Summary. Interest in spirituality and aging has increased recently owing to overwhelming evidence of positive health outcomes ... Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy Articles Extensive bibliographies of articles on Focusing and Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy and the Philosophy of the Implicit are available. Transpersonal psychology - Wikipedia Transpersonal psychology is a sub-field or "school" of psychology that integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience with the framework of ...
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