PDF Worshipping the State How Liberalism Became Our State Religion

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Book Details :
Published on: 2013-03-25
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Original language: English

Many Christians feel that they are being opposed at every turn by what seems to be a well-orchestrated political and cultural campaign to de-Christianize every aspect of Western culture. They are right, and it goes even further back than the Obama Administration.In Worshipping the State: How Liberalism Became Our State Religion, Benjamin Wiker argues that it is liberals who seek to establish an official state religion: one of unbelief. Wiker reveals that it was never the intention of the Founders to drive religion out of the public square with the First Amendment, but secular liberals have deliberately misinterpreted the establishment clause to serve their own ends: the de-Christianization of Western civilization.The result, they hope, is government as the new oracle. Personal faith in a deity is replaced with collective dependence on government, and the diversity of religious practices and dogmas is reduced to a uniform ideological agenda. The liberal strategy is two-pronged: drive religion out of the public square, and then, in religion's place, erect the Church of the State to fill the human need for a higher power to look up to.But what was done can be undone. Outlining a simple, step-by-step strategy for disestablishing the state church of secularism, Worshiping the State shows the full historical sweep of the war to those on the Christian side of the cultural battle--and as a consequence of this far more complete vantage, how to win it. Jesus -is-Lord.com: Jesus Christ is the ONLY Way to God Jesus -is-Lord.com Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to God "I am the way the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." -- Jesus Christ John 14:6 Religion News - It's a God Thing Productions 12/30/2016: This Ancient Hebrew Discovery is About to Rewrite History as We Know it; 12/30/2016: Study: Fastest Growing Churches Have Modern Worship Teach Literal ... BBC - Religions - Islam: Muslim Spain (711-1492) Introduction Islamic Spain (711-1492) The Court of the Lions Alhambra Spain Islamic Spain was a multi-cultural mix of the people of three great ... How and Why Muhammad Made a Difference Pew Research Center Fact Tank May. 11 2016. Are you in the U.S. middle class? Find out with our income calculator. Religion Jan. 3 2017. Faith on the Hill Fact Tank Jan. 3 2017 Monotheism - Wikipedia Monotheism has been defined as the belief in the existence of only one god or in the oneness of God. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church gives a more ... John Stuart Mill: On Liberty - Constitution Society CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY. THE subject of this Essay is not the so-called Liberty of the Will so unfortunately opposed to the misnamed doctrine of Philosophical ... Christianity - Wikipedia Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ who serves as the focal point for the religion. It is the world's largest ... AFRIKANER LIBERALISM- THE RAINBOW PROTEGES IN SERVICE OF ... JOIN US ON OUR NEW SOCIAL SITE AND REGISTER FOR FREE TO SEE MUCH. MUCH MORE NEWS. LINK. Send your e.mails to: w.nation@mail.com . SOUTH AFRICA- FAILED LAND OF ... Quotes About Religion or Atheism "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;..." from the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Religion and Economics - religion-online.org In this lecture I am using religion in a somewhat broader way than is usual. I understand religion in its root meaning of binding up.
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