Get Health and Climate Change (Environment and Health Series)

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Book Details :
Published on: 1998-09-01
Released on:
Original language: English

'Understanding how complex ecological and climatic change can influence human health is the new challenge before us. The book confronts these multidimensional risk assessments head-on and will catalyse the important interdisciplinary and integrated approach that is the new paradigm now required for environmental and public health research.' Dr JONATHAN PATZ Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health 'This book provides a sturdy foundation for thinking about how best to tackle a varied spectrum of population health hazards posed by different aspects and combinations of global change processes� it alsogoes that extra mile by estimating the attributable population burdens of disease or mortality that are likely to result from these aspects of global change. It is heartening to see the results of this mathematical modeling being presented in policy-relevant terms.' From the Foreword by TONY McMICHAEL Health and Climate Change is the first major study of the potentially devastating health impacts of the global atmospheric changes which are under way. Using the best available data, the author presents models of the most plausible future courses of vector-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and schistosomiasis; skin cancer caused by nozone depletion; and cardiovascular and respiratory disorders caused by higher temperatures. Current epidemiological research methods are not well adapted to analysing complex systems influenced by human intervention, or more simple processes calculated to take place within the distant future. Health and Climate Change proposes a new paradigm of integrated eco-epidemiological models for these areas of study. It will be essential reading for those concerned with public health and epidemiology, environmental studies, climate change and development studies. Originally published in 1998 Climate change for global development news & analysis ... News articles about climate change and global warming covering impact mitigation policy adaptation talks COP and more. Climate Change and Human Health NEJM Perspective. Climate Change and Human Health. Paul R. Epstein M.D. M.P.H. N Engl J Med 2005; 353:1433-1436 October 6 2005 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp058079 Older People and Climate Change: Vulnerability and Health ... Climate change has the potential to affect the environment in a number of ways that place increased stress on everyone but disproportionately on the most vulnerable ... Climate Change - The White House A Historic Commitment to Protecting the Environment and Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change Global Change - Climate Change - Springer Current Climate Change Reports will focus on the latest research and policy issues in the field today. The journal will cover the following topics: Ecological Impacts ... Climate Change and Food Security: Health Impacts in ... Background: Anthropogenic climate change will affect global food production with uncertain consequences for human health in developed countries. Objectives: We ... Globalization Climate Change and Human Health NEJM Review Article. Global Health. Globalization Climate Change and Human Health. Anthony J. McMichael M.B. B.S. Ph.D. N Engl J Med 2013; 368:1335-1343 April 4 2013 ... Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Climate Change. Together with our partners across Ontario and around the world were working to better protect the environment our health and our strong economy. Department of Public Health and Environment Regulates environmental health and safety and compiles vital statistics (birth death and health) for the state of Colorado. Climate change Environment The Guardian From Donald Trump to Brexit the refugee crisis and war in Syria to the continuing catastrophe of climate change 2016 has been a difficult year.
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