Free Ebook Busted Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and Infamous

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Book Details :
Published on: 2011-03-30
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Original language: English

A riveting lineup of the world's most famous and infamous arrests, from Lizzie Borden (double murder) to Lindsay Lohan (DUI) to Roman Polanski (unlawful sexual intercourse) Although the headlines fade, the humiliation, vulnerability, and sometimes chilling smugness of the alleged criminal in the mug shot stands the test of time. Covering 150 years of run-ins with the law, Busted reveals more than 500 of the most famous, disturbing, and just plain pathetic mug shots ever recorded. Subjects from all walks of life face front and turn to the left in this enthralling slice of social history. Among the alleged perpetrators are James Brown (carrying an unlicensed weapon and assaulting a police officer), Lenny Bruce (obscenity), Bill Gates (running a red light, driving without a license), Al Capone (tax evasion), Jeffrey Dahmer (rape, torture, murder, cannibalism), Eminem (assault), Mick Jagger (drugs charges), Malcolm X (burglary), Al Pacino (carrying a concealed weapon), Charles Barkley (disorderly conduct), Frank Sinatra (morals charges), Bernie Madoff (securities fraud, investment adviser fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, perjury, making false filings with the SEC, theft from an employee benefit plan), Bugsy Siegel (gambling and bootlegging), Tupac Shakur (sexual assault), Roger Clinton (drug dealing), and hundreds more. The date of the arrest is provided, along with the fascinating, shocking, and sometimes ludicrous stories of the circumstance that led to the arrest, as well as occasional details of the trial and punishment (or merely the humble apology) that followed. Impossible to turn away from, Busted is the perfect coffee-table or gift book for our celebrity-obsessed society. Busted: Mug Shots and Arrest Records of the Famous and ... Buy Busted: Mug Shots and Arrest Records of the Famous and Infamous at ... A riveting lineup of the world's most famous and infamous arrests from Lizzie ... FEDERAL INMATE MUGSHOTS - Federal Inmate Mugshots Federal Inmate Mugshots federal inmate In America ... federal inmate mugshots Busted: Mugshots. Busted: Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and Infamous. Busted: Mugshots And Arrest Records Of The Famous And ... A riveting lineup of the world's most famous and infamous arrests ... Busted: Mugshots And Arrest Records Of The Famous And Infamous. ... Busted is the perfect ... Busted: Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and ... Busted: Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and Infamous [Thomas J. Craughwell] ... Arrested: Mugshots Of The Famous And Infamous Hardcover. Giacomo Papi. Busted: Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and ... Busted: Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and Infamous by Thomas J Craughwell ... Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and Infamous by Thomas J ... Busted: Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and ... Buy Busted: Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and Infamous on ... A riveting lineup of the world's most famous and infamous arrests from ... Busted: Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and ... A riveting lineup of the world's most famous and infamous arrests from Lizzie Borden ... Busted: Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and Infamous Busted : mug shots and arrest records of the famous and ... Busted : mug shots and arrest records of the famous and infamous. ... mug shots and arrest records of the famous and infamous a schema: ... Criminal records ... Busted: Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and ... ... Mugshots and Arrest Records of the Famous and ... A riveting lineup of the world's most famous and infamous ... Busted: Mugshots and Arrest Records of the ...
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